If you're here, there's a pretty good chance that you already know us. But, of the off chance that you don't (or if you want to know us a little better)...
the bride
Laura Ann Thomas is a 1997 graduate of Wooster High School and a 2002 graduate of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where she earned her bachelor of science degree in Education. After spending several years as a substitute teacher in Ohio, she joined the Japanese Exchange and Teaching (JET) program in 2004 and began teaching English to junior high and elementary school children in Ise, Japan. She returned to the States in 2006 and moved to Boston, Massachusetts to be with Geoff. In 2008 she began working for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as an event planner and as a liaison between the school administration and the graduate student council. She enjoys really good sushi, homemade chili, the music of the Beatles and Goldfinger, reading the ouvre of Terry Pratchett, handcrafting designer toys, the movies of Hayao Miyazaki, and harassing the couple's two cats, Albus and Tonks.
the groom
Geoffrey Alexander Long is a 1996 graduate of Triway High School (in Shreve, Ohio, just outside of Wooster), a 2000 graduate of Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, where he earned his bachelor of arts degree in English and Philosophy, with concentrations in creative writing and the integrated program in humane studies (IPHS). After spending several years working in Washington, DC and Chicago as a web designer, producer and independent creative consultant, Geoff enrolled in the Comparative Media Studies program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He completed his SM at MIT in 2007, and then went to work as the Communications Director and a researcher for the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab. He is currently continuing his research into transmedia storytelling and seriously eyeballing various Ph.D. programs. He enjoys Italian food, the music of Great Big Sea and Counting Crows, reading and writing escapist literature as well as academic treatises on escapist literature, teaching, animation in general, video games, tinkering with technological toys, and, yes, harassing Albus and Tonks.