the wedding of laura thomas & geoffrey long
the registry
the bride and groom
the wedding party
the wedding venue
the hotel
the registry
the f.a.q.
disney wilderness lodge

For the curious, Laura and Geoff are registered at Pottery Barn (search for Laura Thomas, October 2009, and Massachusetts) and Crate and Barrel (search for Laura Thomas).

Now, that said, one of the advantages of getting married in your 30s is that we already have 90% of our house assembled. What we don't have, however, is a honeymoon.

To that end, we are gently (and gratefully!) suggesting any guests considering wedding presents consider making a contribution to our honeymoon fund. For our honeymoon, we're planning to go to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida right before Christmas (Laura wants to see Mickey's Christmas Party and Geoff wants to take the Imagineering backstage tours and write a paper on location-based entertainment – yes, he's a nerd). We'll be staying in the Wilderness Lodge (pictured above) and, hopefully, indulging in a ridiculous amount of entertainment, food and hot chocolate.

To help us do so, please visit Search for "Laura" and "Thomas" with the wedding date of October, 2009. Please note that this website can be very temperamental – if we don't appear, please try again later!

Thank you so much for helping us make this happen!